Forma Antiqva, Aitor Hevia -Solo Violin, T. Bleckmann, U. Caine, Aaron Zapico - Musical Director
Uri Caine

Uri Caine

The Drummer Boy [compilation Of Uri'S Mahler Adaptations]

Nederlands Kamerkoor, Rascher Saxophone Quartet

Nederlands Kamerkoor, Rascher Saxophone Quartet

Mauricio Kagel: Chorbuch, Les Inventions D'Adolphe Sax

Forma Antiqva

Forma Antiqva

Opera Zapico / Opera Music From Monteverdi To Mozart Arranged As Instrumentals By Forma Antiqva

Teodoro Anzellotti

Teodoro Anzellotti

Ligeti/Kurtag/Liszt - Hungarian Diary

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Johann Sebastian Bach

Guy Klucevsek

Guy Klucevsek

The Heart Of The Andes

Susanne Ryden & Bell'Arte Salzburg

Susanne Ryden & Bell'Arte Salzburg

Seventeenth Century Christmas Eve

Teodoro Anzellotti

Teodoro Anzellotti

John Cage - Cheap Imitation, Souvenir, Dream

Mauricio Kagel

Mauricio Kagel

Trio In 3 Satzen / Schwarzes Madrigal

Teodoro Anzellotti / Arditti String Quartet / Rohan De Saram

Teodoro Anzellotti / Arditti String Quartet / Rohan De Saram

Matthias Pintscher - Figura I-V, Quartetto Ritratto Di Gesualdo, Dernier Espace

Mauricio Kagel

Mauricio Kagel

Tanzt Schul (Ballet D'Action)

Fumio Yasudo

Fumio Yasudo

Charmed With Verdi

Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo

Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo

Stravinsky In Black And White

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