Giora Feidman And The Georgian String Quartet

Giora Feidman And The Georgian String Quartet

Crossing Borders (Mozart, Bat Chaim, Piazzolla)

Schönberg Ensemble, Reinbert De Leeuw - Conductor

Schönberg Ensemble, Reinbert De Leeuw - Conductor

Kagel - Die Stücke Der Windrose Für Salonorchester

La Gaia Scienza & Lorenzo Ghielmi

La Gaia Scienza & Lorenzo Ghielmi

Robert Schumann - Für Meine Clara

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Lorenzo Ghielmi

Bach And The Romanticist

Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Vittorio & Lorenzo Ghielmi, Il Suonar Parlante

Jan Sebastian Bach - Die Kunst Der Fuge

La Gaia Scienza
Susanne Ryden / Die Freitagsakademie

Susanne Ryden / Die Freitagsakademie

Travelogues Of Italy / Händel, Scarlatti, Corelli

Teodoro Anzellotti (Accordion)

Teodoro Anzellotti (Accordion)

Johann Sebastian Bach - The Goldberg Variations

Forma Antiqva

Forma Antiqva

Plays Baroque Dance Music / Concerto Zapico

Aaron Zapico (Harpsichord)

Aaron Zapico (Harpsichord)

Fantasia / Froberger, Frescobaldi, Picchi

Uri Caine

Uri Caine

The Drummer Boy [compilation Of Uri'S Mahler Adaptations]

Nederlands Kamerkoor, Rascher Saxophone Quartet

Nederlands Kamerkoor, Rascher Saxophone Quartet

Mauricio Kagel: Chorbuch, Les Inventions D'Adolphe Sax

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